BZ Architecture Blog



Although more and do less thinking gesture towards the future optimistically, due to the crisis, I invite you to read this article about the utopia of architecture and its consequences. How many different images of the future we have seen in cinema? How many times we have considered whether we will actually be able to see them? So today we want to mention from a utopia

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Architecture and structure I

If we understand that architecture is the design of space, understand that the structure is the generator component architecture. This statement may annoy some architects, but it is true that not all architectural works are "born" from a structural order, as is the case "German Pavilion" the Barcelona Mies van der Rohe, we will mention later.

Architecture and structure have always been linked, but when we speak of the relationship between structure and space, We could classify in two variants according to their degree of relationship. On the one hand, we have the creation of spaces from the structural modulation, and at the other end would be the definition of the spaces and then force the structure to suit them, what is known as “Raumplan” (Space Plan: Each requires a space and therefore needs a different size) and Adolf Loos is their top promoter.
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Architecture and environment


Pavilion of Alison & Peter Smithson

When we talk about architecture and architectural environment or just, often forget the environment, this being a fundamental concept to understand the work itself. BZ Architecture In understanding the environment as a generator of architecture concept, since the identification of the location, with pre-existing, establish the nucleus of this.
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Ephemeral Architecture

Ephemeral, -out adj.
1 That does not last long.
2 That lasts only one day.

We would like to start this article on ephemeral architecture with classic dictionary definition. The ephemeral architecture has existed since the beginning of our story. However it has not received the attention or interest that you may have an architecture of permanence or greater durability.

arquitectura efímera
Much of this type of architecture has its origins in the agricultural system, when we went from being nomadic to sedentary and began to weave a modern cultural system, dependent on the stability and permanence.
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Architecture and Crisis

"The current architecture elements are no longer responsive to our needs". We began this article by citing crises architecture and Le Corbusier. This heralded a shift in architectural thinking of the years 20 and, together with the other items that made up Towards a New Architecture, They were one of the most influential works in the development of modern architecture. Renovated architecture and ornaments were removed and classical compositions simplifying forms. This transformation was necessary because of the changing society.

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Virtual VS Real

virtual vs realRenders, often a little idealized, are needed to try to sell the idea of ​​a design to a client, in which case some artistic maneuver margin is a necessary evil. However, once sold the idea, What happens when a representation is more idyllic than reality? maybe for us it is a somewhat controversial topic, BZ architecture because in one of the different services we offer is editing 3D renders, and we think the renders as an image of a project before it is implemented to the maximum approach to architectural design, either with different materials testing or trying to extol the main idea of ​​the project through a retouched by Photoshop image. Virtual vs Real.

We have seen many glitzy and glamorous representations that immediately attract attention. For example a render where the climate is absolutely perfect, the glint of sunlight through a glass facade, where all the people around the image appears to be located in the right place, and finally the render itself is more eloquent than the architecture implies the project. The nosotros these renderings we like, but we also like to see the closest possible result to the reality of the future project. Read full article

100 Coderch years


The Architecture J.A. Coderch

El 26 November 1913 it is the birth of one of the most distinguished architects of Spain, José Antonio Coderch. Born that year several of the most important architects of the twentieth century came to this world. One of them was J.A.. Coderch, a landmark of modern architecture for future generations. He was an architect

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Sustainable Architecture

arquitectura sostenible

We would like to open this blog with a reflection on how to plan and the crisis from which we can not seem to escape, but we must act accordingly to change things. If we want to preserve or improve our environment must be consistent with our actions.

Climate change and the economic crisis determined a turning point in the way of doing things, and we wonder whether we have Read full article


We welcome you to our blog BZ Architecture, a space on our website where we want everyone to participate. A space so you can follow us, watch and learn from him, much architecture. The purpose of this blog is to serve as a meeting point for those interested in ye Architecture and visualization of 3D images, and in general all the areas covered by the word Architecture. We will incorporate mainly, information related to these topics including news, Read full article